Below, you can find a bibliography of different papers, that I have written over the years on the topic of migration. I plan to put more of them on the web soon. If you are interested in any of them, please contact me.

The Migration Papers

Publications and Working Papers on Migration, Refugee- and Asylum Policy

Jandl, M., (1993), Die makroökonomischen Auswirkungen der Migration  aus der Sicht des Einwanderungslandes, Diplomarbeit, Universität Graz, 1993, 93p

Jandl, M., (1994), Is Migration Supply- or Demand - Determined ? Some remarks on the ideological use of economic language, International Migration, Quarterly Review, vol. XXXII, no. 3, 1994

Jandl, M., (1995 a) Struktur und Kosten der Asylsysteme in Oesterreich und der Schweiz, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, May 1995

Jandl, M. and Uchann, C., (1995 b), Auslaender und Asylpolitik in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und in Oesterreich, in: Fassmann, H. and Muenz, R., (eds.), Die Zukunft der Ost-West-Wanderung, Projektendbericht, Wien, Juni 1995, p. 137 - 181

Jandl, M., (1995 c) Structure and Costs of the Asylum Systems in Seven European Countries, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, September 1995

Jandl, M., (1996 a), The Harmonization of Asylum Policies in Europe, unpublished manuscript, 39p

Jandl, M., (1996 b), Exit, Choice and Migration Theory: A Framework for Analysis, unpublished manuscript, 37p

Jandl, M., and Schnellbacher, M., (1996 c), Protecting Displaced Persons in the New Humanitarian Order, Working Group on Displaced Persons, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, 50p

Jandl, M., (1996 d), The Road to Citizenship: "Guest-Workers"-Denizens-Citizens?, unpublished manuscript, 20p

Jandl, M., (1996 e), Squaring the Circle: The Illusion of a Temporary Guest-Worker Program in Austria, unpublished manuscript, 28p

Jandl, M., (1996 f), Intergovernmental Co-operation under the Third Pillar: Towards an EU without borders ?, unpublished manuscript, 25p

Jandl, M., (1997 a), UNHCR's Involvement with Internally Displaced Persons. The Emergence of the "Situational Approach", unpublished manuscript, 34p

Jandl, M., (1997 b), Migration, Population and Fertility, unpublished manuscript, 25p

Jandl, M., (1998), Asylum- and Refugee Policy in Selected European Countries, dissertation thesis for the Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Vienna, 390p

Jandl, M., Nygard, A., Pluim, M. et al., (2001), Admission of third country nationals to EU Member States for the purposes of study of vocational training, and admission of persons not gainfully employed. Study conducted by ICMPD on behalf of the European Commission. Published by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 227p

Jandl, M. and Kraler, A., (2003), Austria: A Country of Immigration? Migration Information Source, March 2003, available at: (06.03.2003)

Jandl, M., Kraler, A. and Stepien, A., (2003), Migrants, Minorities and Employment. Exclusion, Discrimination and Anti-Discrimination in 15 Member States of the European Union. Report submitted by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) on behalf of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), October 2003

Jandl, M., (2003), Moldova Seeks Stability Amid Mass Emigration. Migration Information Source, December 2003, available at: (02.12.2003)

Jandl, M. and Stacher, I. (eds.), (2004), Towards A Multilateral Migration Regime. Special Anniversary Edition dedicated to Jonas Widgren, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna, April 2004, ISBN: 3-900411-00-X

Jandl, M., (2004), The Estimation of Illegal Migration in Europe, Studi Emigrazione/Migration Studies, vol. XLI, No. 153, March 2004, pp. 141-155

Jandl, M., (2004), The Relationship between Human Smuggling and the Asylum System in Austria, forthcoming in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Issue 30 (4), July 2004

Jandl, M., and Hofmann, M., (2004), Expected Short-Term Effects of EU-Enlargement on Migration – the case of Austria, forthcoming in: Der Donauraum, Issue 4/2003, July 2004

Futo, P. and Jandl, M. (eds.), (2004), 2003 Year Book on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna, 2004, ISBN: 3-900411-01-8

Kraler, A., Strasser, E., Jandl, M., Scharzenberger, D., Jörg, S. and Eriksson, S., (2005), Comparative Study on the Admission of Clergy.  Study on the Admission of Third Country Nationals for the Purpose of Carrying out Religious Work in 8 European Countries and Canada, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna, January 2005, ISBN: 3-900411-02-6

Kraler, A., Jandl, M. and Hofmann, M., (2005), The European Union and Migration Policy: The Evolution of EU Migration Policies and Implications for Data Collection, Report for the THESIM project, forthcoming

Widgren, J., Jandl, M. and Hofmann, M., (2005), Inmigración Y Seguridad En Europa Tras Los Atentados De Madrid (Migration and Security in Europe after the Madrid Bombings), Migraciones No. 17, Junio 2005, ISSN: 1138-5774

Jandl, M. and Kraler, A., (2005), A statistical inquiry into the links between legal and illegal migration, Report for the THESIM project, forthcoming

Futo, P. and Jandl, M. (eds.), (2005), 2004 Year Book on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Vienna, 2005, ISBN: 3-900411-03-4

Bilger, V., Hofmann, M. and Jandl, M., (2005), Human Smuggling as a Transnational Service Industry. Evidence from Austria, in: International Migration, Special Edition on Human Smuggling, forthcoming

Futo, P., Jandl, M. and Karsakova L., (2005), A Survey of Illegal Migration and Human Smuggling in Central and Eastern Europe, in: Migracijske I Etni?ke Teme/Migration and Ethnic Studies, forthcoming

Jandl, M., (2005), The Development-Visa Scheme. A Proposal for a Market-based Migration Control Policy, Global Migration Perspectives No. 36,